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A Teaser For IC2 2012

Well, by definition, it *fits* the purpose of a teaser...which is to "simply let them know that the movie is coming up in the near future". If I were part of an audience which had no idea of the history of your I,Creator franchise, this teaser would not entice me at all. You had 48 seconds to convey a whole lot more of IC2, if you just put a little more effort into it. Consider all the information a 15 second brand spot conveys.
The trailer will fill that void when we get all of the footage complete.

I'm sure you saw the IC2 Prologue under the Post Production threads. It recaps important events of the first and introduces what is new. Also, my almost has the stuff of a spot has additional stuff for when we get up to the trailer.

We have some good action clips I've also shown that may be in the trailer. We expect to shoot our best action this spring. Then, we will be able to put together a good trailer.

A production like this takes a lot of time in post to come out right. I have to wait until the Spring before I can shop around for a 3D animator, which we really need.

We are behind schedule filming a model of Andromeda, the AI stealth ship as well. That will be included in the pickup footage we will be filming this Spring. I just animated my illustrators conceptual art of Andromeda for the time being.

But, for now, I just have a teaser to offer.
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Just as a Teaser, is this good enough to go public on YouTube?

The trailer will be more comprehensive about the story and the characters.

It visually shows the heroes from the first I, Creator are back and visually introduces a new main character, Artemis as the Goddess of the Hunt.
I think you could do more with this - you have a 48 second teaser, the first 15 seconds of which is your company logo and "Presents".

As a typical Internet viewer, someone with no experience with I Creator, I don't care about the company releasing this and I don't get much from your presentation. It seems to be three, and then four, girls standing around. I don't innately understand that the 4th girl is Athena, just because the title pops up after she appears...I don't get much from this teaser.

If it were my project, and I had a film relying heavily on action scenes, etc., I would cut in some fight footage at the very least. Show me a little of what I might be seeing. But this does nothing to pique my interest or draw me in. No offense, just saying.

It's not ready to cut to action scenes.

This production relies on science fiction and mythology over action. There is a difference in the look of action associated with genre too that eluded too many of my crew people.

Artemis landing on ME21 shows the magic side of it. This teaser shows the science fiction side of it with the digital data background used. This background is similar, but not the same as videos on The Singularity.

Okay, thanks Steve.

Some people at work like the sci-fi look. That is part of the selling points here too.

When the action is ready, it will have the Artemis stuff having a magic look as well as the Ares stuff. The Amazons and cyborgs will have the science fiction look.

The one thing people are encouraging me at work to push in the selling of this is how magic and science fiction are blended into this as a refreshing new type of fiction. In Battlestar Galactica, the Humans believed in the ancients gods from our Greek civilization. The closest we came to seeing them is in statues.

This teaser starts off with the company animated logo, which is "'modern Day Myth Productions" Presents (like a studio production), then, the science fiction presentation begins. I, Creator 2 with Angela, Gail, and Roberta. People will not know them by name, but get the feel they are associated with The Singularity in a sci-fi world. Then, Artemis "Goddess of the Hunt" appears and we see a character who looks like an ancient goddess. The costume and stuff she carries are very close to Artemis in statues and paintings. Greek mythology is common place enough to connect her as the Goddess of the Hunt.

Then we get an idea of when we can see more "Summer 2012."

So, the looks of the 2 worlds will make people curious.

I remember the first teaser for transformer about the space proble landing on the moon. It didn't say much either.

I'm really thinking of doing something similar to what Josh Friedman did to promote the Terminator TV series as the footage developes. That is to put complete scenes on YouTube along with the production trailer to excite the fans.

I had a hard time finding people for this production with the crew with any science fiction or magic character experience at all. I have a stunt coordinator and actress for IC3 with over 20 years experience with both science fiction and ancient gods experience to be my right hand to train the cast and the rest of the crew to create such characters and action and how to shoot it.

I was able to edit the footage to make Artemis come alive as a goddess with speed effects and teleportations effects. And, to edit in a stunt dummy for super human feats of strength for the cyborgs for the sci-fi end of it.

Part of the pickup footage is to capture the missing shots to add drama to the action scenes.

So, right now let the look set the pace until the action is where it needs to be.

Just about everyone who has seen IC2 footgae says it already looks more like a sci-fi production with the costumes, props, and backgrounds than the first production.
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I was just so glad the stunt coordinator who was fired was gone when one of my cyborg actresses showed me the crap he was trying to get them to do for stunts like ducking from a swinging axe when the axe would only break on them if it struck them like it says in the script and I even made a thread here about DIY Breakaway Axes the stunt coordinator was trying to do away with. We only managed to use the breakaway axes sparing because these problems with a stunt coordinate. We used them more when he was fired.
My two cents: The PRESENTS and COMING are awful fonts compared to your logo and footage. They're too big, and you should (if you're using FCP) add Shadow Outline, it just makes everything look better.

It might be my computer. But, I watched while it buffered and after. It was never smooth. The frames kept jumping.

If you want to keep it as it is. You might want to consider having the girls move closer as it goes along. It'll add a little movement, and possibly suspense or wonder (possibly).

That's the end of my two cents. Though it's probably only worth a penny.
Since seeing is believing, I'll show an action scene here.


PW is mdmpllc

This is a scene I want to put in the trailer later. However, there are 2 problems with it:

1. We have no close=ups of the axe breaking over the arm of the cyborg, Major Summer Storm.

2. That is royalty free music. The action is not properly sound scored.

So, action is out because none of the action is properly sound scored.
My two cents: The PRESENTS and COMING are awful fonts compared to your logo and footage. They're too big, and you should (if you're using FCP) add Shadow Outline, it just makes everything look better.

It might be my computer. But, I watched while it buffered and after. It was never smooth. The frames kept jumping.

If you want to keep it as it is. You might want to consider having the girls move closer as it goes along. It'll add a little movement, and possibly suspense or wonder (possibly).

That's the end of my two cents. Though it's probably only worth a penny.


I use Sony Vegas Pro.

Watch a trailer or a movie.

The fonts work.

I might make them smaller. But, that's all. They don't need shadowing or anything else except to be plain white fonts.

The frames don't jump. It could be your Internet speed. The clip is uploaded in full HD resolution on Youtube.

The footage is already shot with the girls and that greenscreen room cost $1495 for a one day shoot. We're not going back.
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I use Sony Vegas Pro.

Watch a trailer or a movie.

The fonts work.

I might make them smaller. But, that's all. They don't need shadowing or anything else except to be plain white fonts.

The frames don't jump. It could be your Internet speed. The clip is uploaded in full HD resolution on Youtube.

The footage is already shot with the girls and that greenscreen room cost $1495 for a one day shoot. We're not going back.

Honestly they don't. I know lots of trailers use that exact font. But, on this particular teaser it looks bad. Because the others look so good.

Probably is my internet.

I don't know how Sony Vegas Pro works. But, with FCP you can move the clip and make it look like the camera's moving.
Fonts, as I've been looking at trailers and teasers are part of the overall style for the look of the clip. The plain white helps to punch out the production company card and animated title better.

I can add camera shake. I did it here because the DP did it with the close-up shots. So, I had to make the background shots and on screen viewing screen match.


PW is mdmpllc
It looks a thousand times better.

There's a million different ways of going, and this way just blends better then the first.
Seriously, for what I paid to rent a greenscreen room, I'm looking to get a make+shift greenscreen room for the pickup footage and rent a room from a theater group with no windows, we setup out one greenscreen stage and light it ourselves for way less money.

That is for shooting the spaceship footage. I want to see if there is a better method than hanging a greenscreen curtain from rods because of the folds in the curtain.
You're in Rego Park. I have an E-photoinc green screen set up a friend gave me. If you want to borrorw it, just let me know.