archived-videos A Slave's Rebellion

Well guys, I said I was going to post some other videos before I get rid of my webhost... << Windows Media format, 36MB, Full Screen
If you're using a Mac, I recommend the QuickTime version >> (don't mess your Mac up with WMP)

This is something I have done in highschool (yep, oldschool video here!). This was for an English project (we read some stories about a slave who kills his master and then chases his manster's wife and daughter - oops! I've sait too much! :bang:

I shot this in less than two hours. We had no idea what we were going to do for this project, so I shot it in sequece and did everything as we went along. Now that I think of it, this totally matches the criteria for Jim post here >>

Anyway, let me know what you think, if anything.
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The most striking bit about this piece is how much of a difference music can make.

Even the hammiest parts of this didn't seem so bad, when the dramatic tunes started up.

That was a pretty effective angle, btw, when the first girl is caught.

Actually, looking again... you had several interesting angles. Shadow-stalker, blood dripping wall, the "whatever it's called when people run through camera and it picks up from the rear" angle...

P.S. I think your "slave" is wearing a Starbucks T-shirt. :yes:
Last edited: know I never noticed that about the shirt. I haven't seen the video in a long time, but even when I made it I never bothered to read the shirt. Well, since you've got such a good eye, do you notice anything about his shoes?

Yeah, that's right...weren't expecting that!

He's quite the athlete to be able to start a chase with girls in bare feet, then slip into some sneakers in the next cut without changing stride! :cool:

Nothing quite like a crash-course in the importance of continuity. :)

I looked again at the shirt, btw (which also changes)... it's not Starbucks. I can't make out what it is, but it's not the old green-girl design I thought it was. There is a relative closeup towards the end.


Found another really good angle, too, on review... walking towards the "estate", camera low, looking up along the axe-line while slave is walking. Some very interesting cuts in this.

Lots of fun. Like Zen, I liked all of the classic Horror angles. But I didn't really like the music. Sure it helped give the short some suspense, but I kept looking for Neo and Bruce.

I could tell you guys had a lot of fun doing this.
It reminds me a lot of Shyamalan's old shorts when he was a kid.
It's definitely not technically acheived but I had fun watching it.
Which is all that really matters.