A problem I've never seen just cropped up....

I am working on a project that needs to be done by tomorrow. I can finish it, I don't feel tired yet :lol:

However, I now have a problem:

My video clips seem to be stopping on one frame even as the cursor still plays. I haven't put any effects on these clips. There are no filters on them or anything. the cursor moves but the picture does not.

Anyone know what this is? This is the sort of thing that will stop me from finishing this project and I really can't have that happen, especially for this project....

I can't even get my sequence to play now...this is beginning to freak me out....

-- spinner :cool:
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I am using Final Cut Pro...

Okay, I will restart my computer, its a PowerBook G4 if that means anything. I'll be right back....

-- spinner :cool:
HOLY CRAP!!!:scared:

You have no idea how much I like it when the problem only takes a restart! :yes:

Everything seems to be working, so now I can keep working!

Thanks, Steve! You're the bestest! sending you a brief PM....

-- spinner :cool:
It's amazing what flushing the memory and starting fresh will do for performance. ;)

I am actually surprised you'd never run into the issue before though. Was this project significantly larger than others you've worked on?
I'm sure you already know this, but sometimes trashing the
preferences can jump start little bugs.

On my G4 laptop the playback occasionally gets stuck when I
have several layers in my time line. It plays back one frame
from one layer and one from the other layer - back and forth,
over and over. Often just quitting and re-starting the program
fixes it, sometimes I have to trash the preferences.

Anyone else seen this little glitch? G4 Powerbook, OS 10.4.10, FCP6
This happens to me when using an external drive for footage all the time, whenever the drive spins down and goes to sleep mode. You can actually just quit out of final cut and restart the program to get it to fix.
It's amazing what flushing the memory and starting fresh will do for performance. ;)

I am actually surprised you'd never run into the issue before though. Was this project significantly larger than others you've worked on?

...actually, now that I am awake enough to think and remember :lol: I do think this may have happened to me once before, but it was not cleared up by a restart....

Anyway, I am done and have been sleeping all day...:sleep: and I need some :coffee:

but I am otherwise no worse for wear...

-- spinner :cool:
I'm sure you already know this, but sometimes trashing the
preferences can jump start little bugs.

On my G4 laptop the playback occasionally gets stuck when I
have several layers in my time line. It plays back one frame
from one layer and one from the other layer - back and forth,
over and over. Often just quitting and re-starting the program
fixes it, sometimes I have to trash the preferences.

Anyone else seen this little glitch? G4 Powerbook, OS 10.4.10, FCP6

how do you do that? :huh:

-- spinner :cool:
...so just an update on the project I was working on overnight....

I was asked to do my first music video ever for one of the local bands in my hometown. Until now, I have only done documentary short behind-the-scenes work, which I really love doing.

Anyway, I was crazy (or dumb) enough to tell them that I would do it and include their show from Saturday. They have a very important show on Tuesday (tomorrow) and if they are lucky, they hope to get alot more traffic to their myspace page as a result.

If that happens, it could be a good thing for me too. I may be able to get alittle traffic to my profile and jumpstart my little video business as well.

I am actually pretty excited. I know it is a flawed piece, but I think it is a good first effort! The band loves it!

Yay! for me!

-- spinner :cool: