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website A New Site with Free Music for Your Projects

Sorry I couldn't post last week...I was at a photography conference for 4 days and then spent last weekend shooting a new film. Anyhow, here are some new tracks for everyone:

On my Sci-Fi 6 page:
"A Heist in the Outer Rim" (Looping)

On my City/Urban 2 page:
"Moonlight Break In" (Looping)

On my Puzzle Music 3 page:
"Digital Dreaming" (Looping)

On my Positive Upbeat Page:
"Bouncing Around Town" (Looping)

On my Drama 2 page:
"Trouble in Town" (Looping)

Have a good week!
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I'll be posting new tracks over the weekend...(I usually do it in the middle of the week but things have been very hectic around here.) Anyhow, please be on the lookout for them if you need some new music. Thanks! :-)
Here are some brand new tracks to kick off April:

For my drone pilot friends and nature lovers, we have:
"Sun Shower"
on my Nature/Science 2 page.

2 humorous tracks on my Funny 4 page:
"The Drunk Pelican Duet"
"Mousing Behind the Cafe" (Looping)

On the City/Urban 2 page, we have:
"Cat Burglars" (looping)

And on the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Cop Show 2175" (looping)

Enjoy them and have a great week!
Greetings Everyone,

I have a bunch of new free tracks that need good homes in your projects:

This one was created for aerial videos, but might sound nice in other projects as well:
"Circling the Barn"
on my Quiet 2 page

On the Drama 2 page, we have:
"The Inspector's Epiphany" (looping)

On the Puzzle Music 3 page:
"Puzzling Curiosities" (looping)

On the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Machine Chatter Among the Outer Moons" (looping)

And on the Positive/Upbeat page:
"Town Square" (looping)
"Happy Endings"

I try to release at least one new track each day. For daily updates, be sure to follow me here:

Have a good week!
Happy Thursday Everyone,

This week we have brand new sound effects as well as music tracks:

On the SFX - Combat page:
Various Metal Clanks
Maybe useful for swordplay…or even for work in a blacksmith’s shop in an RPG. Feel free to edit as needed.

On the Funny 5 page:
"Kitten Combat" (Standard and Looping)

On the Nature/Science 2 page:
"Underwater Coolness" (Looping)

And on the Sci-Fi 6 page:
"Cyberpunk Runner" (Looping)

Have a good weekend!