A little Common Sense

Future English teacher here. Ouch.
Ouch, indeed.

Or indede.
Or indead.
Or inndeed.

You're a victim of a system too/to/two larg(insert_pointless_"e"_here) for any one of us too/to/two do/doo any/ane/akneething about.

Against your fine sensibilities, you/u/yoo wil/will be/bee forced/phorsed/fourssed too/to/two perpetuate a corrupt/korrupt/quorrupt system/sistim simply/simplee because/bekawz you/u/yoo have/halve too/to/two.

You have my sincere condolences.

We're also in no position to do anything about the stupid 60seconds/60minutes/24hrs thing.
Nor a calendar system that's AFU when a sensible 7day, 4week, 13month calendar accounts for 364 days leaving a single freebie day.

Self. Inflicted. Injuries. :grrr::bang::mad:
Just a friendly reminder of the rules…

We are a group of filmmakers. Politics only serve to divide us. We do not allow political discussions unless they are related to film. If they turn into political bickering, they will be closed.