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watch A Little abstract

I agree, pretty creative and interesting, but if I had just come across this video without previously knowing your site, I wouldn't know what the message is....I would think "looking for ideas and talent for ....what exactly?" It's tough putting a video together in under a minute to sell your website, but the message has to be clear. It's still unclear what your site does for investors and entrepreneurs. In the age of mindless mouse clicking through the Internet, it's cool to have clever messages as long as the message gets through to your targeted audience. You might want to look into getting some professional advice from some of the people who have offered to help you out. I took advice from people here and my website traffic has increased. I'm still learning from this Forum.
Thanks for the input guys. Yea, I didn't really expect some great applause. lol. I just started messing around with vegas days ago. I would like to get some help from some guys on here, i just don't have the money to spend which is why I'm trying to dabble in the film editing myself.
Hey, we all start out somewhere. It's better to get tough feedback from the people on this Forum than to hear it from customers. I'm certainly no expert, but my business has increased after joining this Forum (both in profits, quality, and the way I operate). There are some really smart and experienced guys on here. I'm not one of them mind you, but they are around. :)