A friend and crewman suggested showing the rough cut of my latest production to a friend we haven't seen in about 30 years for feedback and input because he has always been a fan of science fiction.
So, last Friday night we did. He asked who "The Silver Guys are," until it got to a scene that recaped the events for the last month. Then, it made sense to him.
He said there is enough material there for a TV series in the pilot with the characters: heroes and villains, story: conflict and subplots, and types of characters: cyborgs, aliens, gods, ancestors of Humans that evolved into more high tech worlds with different civilizations to show an executive at a network.
He even suggested a great way for the cyborgs to recharge and exchange data similar to smart phones plugging into the USB port of a computer.
Since the idea worked out so well, I recommend showing your works to total outsiders to your productions who are fans of the genre for their impressions of how well you are telling a story with sound and vision.
So, last Friday night we did. He asked who "The Silver Guys are," until it got to a scene that recaped the events for the last month. Then, it made sense to him.
He said there is enough material there for a TV series in the pilot with the characters: heroes and villains, story: conflict and subplots, and types of characters: cyborgs, aliens, gods, ancestors of Humans that evolved into more high tech worlds with different civilizations to show an executive at a network.
He even suggested a great way for the cyborgs to recharge and exchange data similar to smart phones plugging into the USB port of a computer.
Since the idea worked out so well, I recommend showing your works to total outsiders to your productions who are fans of the genre for their impressions of how well you are telling a story with sound and vision.