A Good Suggestion That Leads To A Good Finding

A friend and crewman suggested showing the rough cut of my latest production to a friend we haven't seen in about 30 years for feedback and input because he has always been a fan of science fiction.

So, last Friday night we did. He asked who "The Silver Guys are," until it got to a scene that recaped the events for the last month. Then, it made sense to him.

He said there is enough material there for a TV series in the pilot with the characters: heroes and villains, story: conflict and subplots, and types of characters: cyborgs, aliens, gods, ancestors of Humans that evolved into more high tech worlds with different civilizations to show an executive at a network.

He even suggested a great way for the cyborgs to recharge and exchange data similar to smart phones plugging into the USB port of a computer.

Since the idea worked out so well, I recommend showing your works to total outsiders to your productions who are fans of the genre for their impressions of how well you are telling a story with sound and vision.
This is the sole purpose of the forum, no? Albeit we're not 'friends' and still offer that unbias criticism that many shy away from and alternatively others crave.

I'm glad you received some helpful feedback. Just be sure to get a handful of opinions before you show it to any networks. As I've mentioned above a friend has an obligation to be friendly. Although it's a delight to hear and I'm sure you're very pleased, that's one stamp of approval. Just be sure you're giving yourself the very best opportunity to present yourself and your work to the highest standard.
This is the sole purpose of the forum, no? Albeit we're not 'friends' and still offer that unbias criticism that many shy away from and alternatively others crave.

I'm glad you received some helpful feedback. Just be sure to get a handful of opinions before you show it to any networks. As I've mentioned above a friend has an obligation to be friendly. Although it's a delight to hear and I'm sure you're very pleased, that's one stamp of approval. Just be sure you're giving yourself the very best opportunity to present yourself and your work to the highest standard.

The person we showed it to is an industrial designer by trade. He has to keep up with what the public will buy to be successful.

I will be showing it to TV network editors and possibly a studio film editor next year when it is more complete. Since the market is the cable TV networks that are too small to afford their own studios to make their own TV series, showing it to TV editors is a good move because they understand the market we are targeting.