a good budget

Hey everyone, i know this question is so broad so i will try give as much information as possible to help. My question is, what is a good budget for a 12-20minute short.
I plan on shooting two of my shorts in a row, one of which i will do on my super 8mm camera. The other i will have to rent a camera, but i can add that to my budget once i can see what is available. My main concern is i dont want to overspend or over budget when it is not necessary. ANy help will be greatly appreciated. I plan on using actors on no/deffered/credit payment. I have a composer sorted out for just credit also.
I know this question is highly individual but i am only looking for a rough figure as to whcih i set my mind to and to make sure i dont get swindled by suppliers etc.
ANy help will be greatly appreciated.
There are variables to consider -- do any of your locations require fees, insurance, permits, etc? Will you need to rent other equipment -- lights, microphone, other sound mixing equipment? What is needed for props, wardrobe? All of these items can affect the budget...or NOT, depending upon your need. After all of that is calculated, don't forget to add on some type of refreshments for the crew/cast. Even if they work for free, it is common courtesy to at least provide some food/drinks while they give up their time for you.

EDIT: One more thing -- you mentioned shooting on film, so add in development cost. If you don't live close to a place that develops film, add shipping cost as well. (I've never shot on film so I don't know how much that is.)
This is what a "line item budget" is for.

You take each aspect of the project and put it on its own line:

Super 8 film-----------10 cartridges-------------$ 16.50------$165.00
Processing-------------10 cartridges-------------$ 14.00------$140.00
Telecine---------------- 3 hours------------------$150.00-----$450.00
Meals------------------- 8 crew------- 4 days----$ 10.00------$320.00
Craft service----------- 4 days--------------------$50.00------$200.00

All the way down to batteries, gas for cars, gaffers tape and band-aids.

This will give you a good number to work with. Then you hit each line
to see what you can cut or spend less on.

To not get swindled by suppliers, etc., you contact several different
suppliers and get quotes. You keep calling until you get a feel what
what the item or service costs and then go with the one who you
think offers the best service and value.

There really isn't even a rough figure available for a 12-20 minute
short. Some people make them for under $100, some for over $1,000.
thanks for the help guys, i will do a line budget thanks very much. Never though about refreshment or meals, guess its easy to miss the obvious sometimes. Cheers for the help guys i know the question is very broad. Just needed some basic advice.