I guess I'm sorta inbetween. 34, and I buy a lot of dvds (and cds, and vinyl records...hell, even the occasional cassette!) but I rarely buy a movie I haven't seen, either in the theater or rental/streaming. Didn't care about streaming until I could do it on my tv; if I'm at my computer, I'm working. I don't watch broadcast or cable tv, so streaming (specifically Netflix) is a great way to see if I like something without buying it blind.
Of course, at least once in my life I've had more money than sense and paid rental price for a VHS tape (Kurosawa's Dreams, which I eventually rebought on dvd). Personally, I'd like to see a good way to monetize streaming services and get money in the creators' pockets that way. And definitely NOT as a replacement for dvds (or blu-ray, or ultramegahidef of the future, etc, etc)