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watch A Film Consisting of Movie Quotes

I liked the camera work and the concept. Not an easy one to pull of well or make flow.
The acting to me was OK. What lacked was body language and a comfortable voice tone. They didn't seem relaxed, which makes their voices and body language flat. Expressions and movement communicate as much as the dialogue does to the audience. I think the sound issue has been thoroughly covered. I also think your lighting was better than most independent film makers, good job there. To conclude, always keep in mind what you are filming. People watch for the content (message, actors, etc.). It is the directors job to make the content as excellent as possible.
I like to keep rolling when I say cut... then I run the scene as a rehearsal and the actors don't necessarily know they're being filmed (I have the blinky red "tally" light turned off/covered up as well). Tape is cheap, honest performance is priceless!

This is a really good solution, I'll defiantly have to try that out.
OK, I've watched it and really enjoyed it. Flat acting, whatever, sound wasn't as bad as some that I've seen. I'm most impressed with the cinematography. When I saw the first shot, I thought to myself, "Great, another poorly shot student video." But lo and behold, it went from all normally lit white walled video crap to wonderfully lit warm great setting and costumes. Well done. I realized then that you had intentionally made the intro and outro of the movie look like a standard firsttime filmmaker's video. Well done. The camera work was really good too!