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watch A few shorts for you....

Hello everybody

I haven't logged in for absolutely ages. Was doing some research into some camera and remembered I have an account. So time for some sharing.

Instead of spamming up the boards and making a thread for each of these films, I thought it best to bunch them altogether.

It'll All End In Tears


I made this along with some friends a couple of years ago. It was a messabout more than anything else. There are some things a like about it and some things I hate. Have a little look and see what you think



Here is a film that was completed earlier this year. I was the DoP and editor. It is a wee bit somber.....

Handle With Care


This is a film a few friends and I made quickly one weekend for a competition. This isn't as somber

Two Minutes of Mickey


I edited this together when I was pissed one night. It makes me giggle

Green Shoots - Episode Seven


Finally, here is the latest episode of a sitcom I helped out with too

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