A Confession/Realization

Hey Guys!
I don't post much and I'm far from a pro, but I thought this may be helpful to some...
I just got a load of graduation money (graduated high school last week!) and I'm either buying a 60D or T4i, whichever I can find a better deal on. The more I think about it and look around though, I've stressed WAY too much on what camera to get. I haven't really realized how little the camera matters... don't come at me all upset, it matters, but it's far from the most important thing. I need good audio, good lighting, a solid script, talented actors, and I need to be the best director I can be. This sounds obvious and probably cliched, but I'm guilty of the frantic posts here with "What camera should I get??" I just need to get a camera and make a movie. The camera's important, yes, but if I know what I'm doing with the settings and my lighting, I can get a great image from my Canon XL1. To those of you newbies (myself included!!) that have spent many nights Google-ing camera comparisons and camera deals, think about your lighting. Think about the camera settings. Think about your color grading. I know this seems clear to you who have been doing this for years, but I'm only 18, and I wish I haven't stressed so much on what camera to get. That saying's true, it's the person behind the camera that's important, not the camera itself so much. Call me silly for just now thinking of all this stuff, but I think understanding that is an important step in being a film maker. Hope this helped somebody. :)
I made the same realization several years back... amazing how a few productions will enlighten your outlook on filmmaking. I'm glad this happened to you relatively early. I wondered what I was doing wrong with the camera for too long until I realized the camera was this little piece of a much larger puzzle.