A cautionary Distribution Tale...

Interesting. I'm intrigued to see how this pans out...and urge you to be careful, although I appreciated your chutzpah in pursuing this publically!
Balls of steel brains of a mouse... thats me! At the end of teh day what i have put is factual, honest and direct. He thinks threats will stop me they wont. People need to know!

(of course I'm now writing this from jail! Ha! - not yet anyway!
Good luck on trying to reacquire your property. It sucks you're having to go through this but you're doing a great service by informing other filmmakers of Supersonic and your dealings with them/him. Please keep us updated on what's happening. My fingers are crossed for you.
This gave me a chuckle: "Furthermore I request that Mark send us our DigiBeta master which for all intense and purpose he is holding from us..."

Did you mean to write "intent" and purpose?

Sorry you're having such trouble with this company. But the deal with York turned out okay, didn't it?