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watch A bad day for a Barbie doll.

Thought I'd have a play with a Barbie doll, a heatgun, my Sony HDR-XR550 and a tripod. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.


A couple of times during filming I bumped the table, which was exaggerated a bit when the footage was sped up. Might do a re-shoot one day soon, would look much nicer when filmed on a clean blank background. Bit of fun on a boring afternoon!
What a strange little film. :)

Probably wouldn't have watched the whole thing if the song had been different, but it was a weird juxtaposition as is. Dug it.
kind of an insight of how.. beauty can be destroyed in a second. and never repaired. And in the end, after you have been destroyed, all you have left is for people to love you for who you are inside.
Painful! I liked it though. Makes me think of all the people that complain that they cant film anything. Simple as burning a doll and recording it.
Oddly captivating! But as Pepper Jack said above, you can film anything and make it interesting, it's how it's put together, and you've done a good job of turning something that was just a bit of fun into footage people will take the time out to watch in it's entirety