Ditto. Was at this very screening with Zen. Only a handful of shots seemed compromised to my eyes, but the majority of the film totally held up on the screen. I just loved that day trip montage that included the shot inside the movie theater.
I think I have a pretty good guess as to which scenes stood out. There was one, in particular, that I came really close to cutting, because half of the footage was out of focus. In the end, I said F-it, because the scene is just plain funny.
In addition to that, there were a couple of scenes that were rather heavily cropped. I have a feeling those stood out to you.
I think Zensteve nailed it on the head, in mentioning the Roger Ebert distinction between DVD and VHS. I think an audience rapidly adjusts to whatever resolution they're watching in. I've seen plenty of film fests that were projected in boring-ol' standard definition, and everyone is fine with it.
I think the reason Flicker noticed the resolution in a couple scenes from Antihero was only because he had adjusted to watching my movie in 1080p, and then all of a sudden, here comes a scene (or a single shot) that has been cropped to 720p. If the entire movie had been in 720p, he'd have been fine with it, but the jumping back-and-forth between resolutions can be jarring.
And yes, I'll definitely keep you all abreast of when it's fully available for public viewing. It feels like this whole thing has played out in geological time. But we're finally nearing the end. I should have it streaming within a few months.