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7D > CS5 Twixtor > FCP Workflow

Alright so I have some 720 60p footage shot on the 7D. I need to used twixtor in CS5 then take it into FCP.

Cameras put out H264 which is garbage with FCP.

So how should I handle this?

720 60p camera footage H264 > Conform to 24p ProResHQ with compressor > Twixtor CS5 > FCP

720 60p camera footage H264 > Twixtor CS5 > Convert to ProResHQ 24p > FCP

How do you guys do it?
conform to HQ first step. I use cineform, but compressor does this too.
But normally I EDIT first then do effects.

So I would

720 60p camera footage H264 > Conform to 24p ProResHQ with compressor > FCP and LOCK the EDIT -> CS5 AE for twixtor FX CC and final export.

Why effects last? if you've ever spent a day perfectly rotoscoping a shot, only to end up tossing out the shot in the edit, you'll know why ;)
I was gonna comment, then I read that ^^^^^ excellent reply. Not much more to add!

Just one thing. Remember! A big advantage of using intermediate codecs is they don't lose significant quality with each export. By 3rd or 4th generation h.264 (once it gets to youtube), the quality can easily get destroyed! We've all seen those insanely compressed and recompressed videos, and they make me want to cry, I'll be honest.