archived-videos 6 minute Comedy Pilot

Hello all,

So this is a thing put together by myself and 6 ESL students that are living in Vancouver.

Made with minimal gear and 3 hrs a day X 5 days a week X 4 weeks = 60hrs start/finish time...

I hope you enjoy.


If anyone is interested in learning more about this program or Pilot. Please don't hesitate to contact me at


*Feedback is always good too.
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Hey all.

Well I'd like to say Hi! I've been a member on this site since January. And this site got me motivated to get my Filmmaking in action. So thanks to all on this site. I think you all deserve a pat on the back.

I think it's a great idea you have, 4ourtwenty. I'm not so sure this pilot was the best way to go about it, though.

For an ESL project, I was expecting a lot more dialogue.

Perhaps a drama (heck, a soap-opera would be perfect for this :yes: ) would be a better choice.

In my opinion, there was too much emphasis on visual gags and cues. That's fine and dandy in an everyday comedy but, as an exercise in learning & improving a second language, the project needs to be focused on the dialogue.

I think you can turn this into a very useful tool for ESL... you just need to keep focus on the actual goal, while coming up with scripts and story ideas.

I believe you can do it. :cool:
Hello, and thanks for your input. I actually wanted it to be more of a soap opera (ala Saved by the Bell) But what I had wrote before I met the students wasn't going to plan out because of some students lack of enthusiasm. They were more interested in Backstreet boys concerts than the class.

But what can you do.
On a sidenote, I visited a headshop out of town today called 420's, which has some amazing hand blown glass, all over the store. The largest, and fullest shop i've ever been in.

And on another note, I created a pro-marijuana comercial for a very popular cannabis awareness magazine website (I dont think posting the link would be allowed, so I wont post it, pm me if you want it).

Welcome to the forums.