5D3 v. GH2

So I am shooting a short this week. It is going to be a satirical piece in the style of a mockumentary. As you can see from the title I am having a dilemma on deciding camera set-up. I personally own a Panasonic GH2 with Sigma 19mm f2.8, SMC Takumar 28mm f2.8 (De-clicked), Auto-Kentar 35mm f2.8 (De-clicked), Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8, and SMC Takumar 55mm f2. So I have a full set of primes, but one is a lower end budget lens and the rest are adapted film lenses.

On the other hand, my girlfriend's father owns a 5D3 with Canon L series zooms. While it sounds like a great option, I am nervous having never used a 5D3 before.

Should I go with the 5D? Will the quality of the glass (regardless of body) just blow away anything I have for my GH2? I'm really hoping for some sincere suggestions here guys, thank you!
If you have time go out and mess around with the 5D and do some comparisons and see how it feels for you. If you literally don't even have an hour or two to spare then just go with whats comfortable as Will said.
Yeah if you have time have a quick play around with (including copying to computer and stuff) to get a feel for it, otherwise go with what you're used to as you're probably going to get a better image out of a camera if you know it
If your girlfriend's dad is willing to lend you the 5D3 and lenses, and you own the GH2 - why not shoot with both? The GH2 cuts together pretty well with Canon full frame:

Here is a film shot with the GH2 and a Mark III:


Here's one shot with the GH2 and a Mark II:


Good luck - it would be great to hear how the production goes - and with two cameras, to see behind the scenes stills!

Thanks for the advice guys! While I don't expect it to be top tier (it is a class project with a week of production) I do hope it can be seen as a labor of love and a good effort. I'll be sure to post some production stills/the final project if you are really interested. Again, thank you all very much!