5D Mark 2 acting really weirdly?

Hi Guys

Havent posted in a while here.. been real busy with studies. So I will explain my dilemma..

Yesterday I started to take photos on the 5d M2 and all of a sudden it just started to act really strange. First of all I thought perhaps it was just being a bit slow, but it was refusing to take any pictures at all. Sometimes it takes images, but sometimes not. I can only enter live view mode if I hold down the shutter button half way. This also happens when Im trying to access menus also.. I have to hold down the shutter button half way until the apeture shows up on the screen in live view. The camera will only take pictures now in live view, and it doesnt do this half of the time anyway.

Has anyone heard of this problem at all or can offer any help? Im really worried and its making me freak out because its such a massive investment for me and my partner.

Ive tried updating the firmware but it was the same firmware which came pre-installed anyway. Nothing..

Im wondering if when installed Magic Lantern a few months ago if that has caused this at all? I doubt it did because Ive not used that since. I switched back to the cameras inbuilt system.
