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watch 5 minute suspense based on the works of an award winning slam poet and playwright


Here's some general stuff about the shoot..
This was a real seat of your pants shoot. Joe, who plays the man in the film, called me over his place two nights before we shot this with me thinking he had a storyboard and most of it fleshed out but he had nothing because he had been busy and left everything to me. I was pretty busy on top of that and had practically no time to really put much thought into it either. It was a real oh shit moment for me. I read the script and decided between two spots in his house to shoot then figured what the best angles would be and that was it. This was at about midnight and we were shooting in 36 hours.

The next day I met with both actors to go over some blocking and a few read throughs of the script. I got some background on the girl's acting experience and explained that because her character calls for a lot of emotion and being absolutely frightened that it's going to be challenging, but please understand that myself and Joe are professional minded when it comes to this, so don't be afraid to just let go and give us fear. Unfortunately when the time came, she wasn't able to really show that and it instead came across that she was drugged up. I understand maybe on the inside she worked herself up enough to be able to shed a few tears, but on the outside, that wasn't what the viewer sees, we don't see someone scared shitless waking up in a guy's tub.

This meant I had to pull some editing tricks to make the viewer get the gist that she is drugged. I also wanted to do the pickup insert shot of the pill bottle, spoon and needle on the sink when he grabs the camcorder to further lend credence to that notion. The being drugged idea was not in the script and I have not heard back from the writer yet on if he's going to wring my neck for twisting his story around, lol.

The audio was recorded on a H4N because our boom mic availability fell through, and most of the audio all sounded a bit like we were in a bucket so i had to do my best to basically process ALL the audio clips in Adobe Audition to make them sound decent and level everything out.
Looking forward to any and all questions and comments.
hahaha this is crazy. I hope the writer doesn't get mad at you. But he should really be getting mad at your friend for putting you in a shit situation lol But honestly i dont think it would matter either way. The writing was awful haha
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Dang, dude. Stop making epic apologies for your film. At least you finished it. :lol:

You ended up with a decent image, anyway. Next one's always better. Live & learn
Nothing I wrote was meant to be an apology, unless you think the film came out that horrible that anything to be said about it can't or shouldn't be be taken as anything other than an apology. I was just detailing a quick behind he scenes as to what was involved in making it. So far people that are familiar with the piece and have seen it done live have said they like the drugged up notion and added something on top of the original, and thought I overcame it pretty craftily, so there's nothing there to apologize for. Now apologizing to the writer, well, that may be another story, haha. Hopefully he will be cool with it.

As for the writing, I'm not sure I can agree it's horrible. It's part of a larger work, so maybe in just this context some things may not make sense, but apparently ten years ago when this piece saw it's hey day, it was receiving acclaim, and the author is well respected in many circles (I've never seen the entire piece performed nor have I ever seen a full script to read). Apparently the writing and the overall piece is structurally and technically sound, whether it gels on an individual's preferences or not is another story.
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