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critique 3 Different Moments From My Project - Whispers From Beyond (college project)

Title: Whispers From Beyond

Logline: After inheriting an old 1800s estate, Chalise Ellison starts having dreams which turn out to be messages from a ghost. Its up to her to help the ghost move on and to unravel the secrets of the Wheeler Estate.

Pages: 15 in total - 1st has 4, 2nd has 5 and 3rd has 6.

Basically, for my college project I decided to make a story and write three scenes from different points in the plot to demonstrate my learnt skills in scriptwriting, and part of the criteria is presenting to an audience. I have written 3 different moments from my story; an opening scene, a moment of realisation for my main character, and an important emotional shift for her. Any and all feedback will be highly appreciated :)

