3-Axis Dutch Roll Head

I've been looking around. Now that almost anyone can achieve the dolly type of shot, the new re-uprising trend is pretty much Krane/Jib shots since people hardly ever do them since it takes for ever to set up a krane, needs alot of weights, balancing, and more than one man power.

Recently, i placed a jib on a dolly, and made a Jib/Dolly shot (obviously) and the outcome was relatively good.
The jib shot is at:
1:25 (my personal favorite)

So while many of you may not agree that Krane Shots will be the next hot thing on shots,
I've been focusing on it. I have been looking for a Dutch Roll head for a jib to make cool hallway roll shots as the jib travels. The only jib i have found to a indiefilmaker price is the proaim. There isn't too many reviews on it.. so at 1K for just the head i'm hesitant....
I tried Kessler Crane, but they don't have any close.
Do you guys know of any good ones for a good price?
And what is your take on Krane/Jib shots?