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2D Model with actor integration problem.

Yes, the title is terrible. I could not come up with anything better.


This is a screenshot ingame "Garry's Mod", basically, I downloaded a greenscreen map, and put a Ringtransporter in (From Stargate series, transporting device) and recorded as it did it's thing.

I am just wondering, how could I be able to place something within it? Like a person or something, only way I know of is to to it with a 3D Model of the ringtransporter, then cut it in half, and have the one half behind the person/object and the other half infront, by masking the person or having a greenscreen behind him. Is it possible to do this just with this 2D footage? I have tried doing some masking in After Effects without any luck.

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you need to make an actor sandwich in whatever you're using to do the composite:
background plate
transporter plate (without the glingy bit if possible)
> actor
transporter plate with only the front half of the rings visible (rotoscoping!)

If you're modelling these in 3D, you can pull the greenscreen background forward to bisect the transporter and render a pass of just the front half of the rings to use in the last layer.
I did try the masking technique once before without getting it to work, I must have done something silly back then, and thought that wouldn't work.

When I do it now over again, it works. Thanks Knightly :)