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2006 Halloween Horror 13 Day Challenge

Well i shall look forward to seeing your horror films at the London screening, and shall let you know of the reaction.

My own film When Death Calls followed the idea of putting the EVIL into dEVILs night, however progress was slow and completion before the deadline is most unlikely. But the film will be finished eventually and will also improve the state of evil in the World! ;)

Good luck and Devilspeed!
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Here's the part that'll really get you upset then Thunderclap..

The 'Global Express Guarenteed' Delivery through the USPS, uses Fedex as the transporter. ;)
well, don't feel bad, when I was pricing things for shipping last week, according to the online FedEx quote, it would have run me $122... blah.

Apparently a signature was required with the way I shipped my film, and there wasn't anyone around to sign when they tried to deliver it. :(
Damn... that sucks! Is it going to be re-delivered before the 29th? I'd suggest e-mail them and inform them of the situation. I'm sure they'll understand.
Already have... in fact they had told me previously that they would take it on the 30th if it didn't arrive until then, but I figured that would significantly reduce the likelihood of actually being screened if it didn't arrive until the day before the screening... :(

EDIT: Apparently I was wrong. :D
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