2 of the Best Films of 2004

2 of our films made it on the Best of 2004 list by Film Threat.

Isolation, by Shane Ryan, was named one of the Best films of 2004.
you can view it here
or here

And "So, We Killed Our Parents" was named one of the Top 10 Shorts That Knocked Our Socks Off in 2004.
you can view it here

This is definately a suprise. Just happended to find the list. While I am very proud of how far "Isolation" has come, I am very suprised at the response to "So, We Killed Our Parents". I never thought this film would stir up so much conversation, and I never thought it would make a Best of List in a place like Film Threat that receives hundreds of shorts a year.

I'm almost wondering if Shane made the film the way he did if just to get people to talk. Because while "Isolation", I believe, was far far better, it barely got a response, if any, at every forum I announced it at. But that movie has also been our biggest success getting into festivals and even people like Alexander Payne called Shane up personally requesting a copy of it.

But on the forums it only tends to be the movies with the sex and violence that get any talk.

Oh well. At least over here (and I've said it before), you guys are very polite and mature in responding to things even if you hate them.

To answer VegasIndies repsonse from a while back that I remember:
People on the forums at Studentfilms are mostly high schoolers and are all full of themselves. That's why they're rude. Hopefully they'll grow out of it. Regardless though, Chris Wright has a great site going on.

Major Congratulations are in order. Isolation is a fine film, and So, We Killed Our Parents has it's merits. I can honestly see why both have generated interest.

Good Job, Shane and everyone at alterEGO.
