1st Person POV Quesiton

I have 2 questions.

1st one: Do you know how to do the effect of like a person waking up and like your in the eyes of that person and you can see him/her blink their eyes, so like an effect where its like they are blinking their eyes.

2nd question: How do you do an effect , I don't know how to explain this one. I just saw it in Source Code. Where the camera goes from the floor through a vent whiteout stopping. Its like the camera is going right through the vent.

I have the whole adobe premiere cs5.5 suite.

Thanks in advance!
1) You can easily do a blink effect using a moving black matte or crop function.

2) That's a CG effect. Either the vent is a 3D computer graphic construction, and there's a dissolve when moving through it, OR the camera moves between the two rooms or areas are knitted together to appear seamless, OR a combination of both. It's a pretty common effect these days.
@DirtyPicturesTV First of all thank you for answering. I am new to the editing scene. I just used iMovie before. Now I have the how adobe premiere suite. I will try to do the blink effect using what you said. And for the CG effect I'm guessing I need a different program correct.

@Murdock Thank you.
You could fake the effect without using CG, but with compositing.

Here's one way to do it -- there are others.

You shoot two shots. Shot A is moving into and partially through a square hole in the wall (your vent). Shot B begins on the other side of the wall, and moves from the hole into the next room.

In post, in your composting program, you could then overlay a still image of an actual vent over the square hole in Shot A, then blend from Shot A to Shot B, also using the vent to cover the shot blend, then dissolve the vent. It would require some accurate camera movement and placement and correct timing during compositing to make this look seamless, but could be done.

The difficult camera movement is one reason this is typically done with CG, or by blending CG with footage.