16mm or...

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There are other benefits to starting with film.. Yes, the stock costs more than blank DV tapes (by a lot), but you would also have better luck with cast & crew staying on task, since they KNOW it's costing more to produce, and nobody wants to be responsible for wasting that much $$..

Also, there is more involved in getting something on film to look right (with lighting and whatnot) and these skills may very well just go by the wayside if you were to start with digital. In a training experience anyway. Since they also apply to getting beautiful shots on digital, it just makes sense to learn the "film way" first in a school setting where costs and whatnot are more controlled, and then apply what was learned on Digital on your own when you can't necessarily afford to shoot on film.

My $.02
inexpensive? if you are talking about transfering digital to film you should just shot on like 70mm the transfer of digital to film is so expensive you should just start off with film defintly much less expensive

no, sorry. i meant shooting 24 fps on like a DVX100.