16 years old, need advice

hi, i'm 16 years old and just about to do my GCSE's. A few months ago i relised my ambitions and have decided to persue a future in film. I hope to work my way towards a job in cinematography. i'm posting on this fourm because i'm looking for advice on how to achieve my goal. I know what i want but i dont know how to get there. what qualifications should i get? where should i start?

Next year i intend to go to college and get four A levels in film studies, media studies, phycology and sociology. Are these good choices in the long run and when i finish college what do i need to get into film school?

thanks in advance
i see, this is why i'm worried about making my A level choices so narrow with both media and film and this is also why i'm asking for advice. what else can i do to give myself an edge?
The practical side of me would suggest that you take some business courses.. Management, accounting, marketing type stuff.. because that will give you something to fall back on should the reality of getting involved in film professionally take longer than expected.

Another way to look at things is that there really isn't a career discipline that can't be utilized on a production, so while your ultimate aspiration is cinematography, schooling in an everyday trade (carpentry, electrical, etc) might be an easier way to get involved in film.

That said... Don't let anyone discourage you from pursuing your filmmaking aspirations. The best way to prepare is to go out and get involved. Start shooting short films with friends, work on honing your skills. It would probably also be good to pick one major task and focus on it. Whether that's lighting, sound, directing, running a camera, editing, or something else... it's much easier to become proficient (and dare I say "good") if you focus on one main area.

Get involved in other peoples productions too. Most anyone who's been to film school will probably tell you that you're more likely to learn more working on someone else's set than during all of your time in film school.

If you really want an edge in film school.. Jump in head first now and start making movies. Be prepared to make a bunch of awful short films, learn from those work on things and incrementally get better... But unless you get out there and get active with it, no amount of school is going to help you.
im doing my A-levels right now if you want a job in film then pick film OFCOURSE but media is all about newspapers, tv, stereotypes and all that other bull shit oh and audiences and theories :( , If you are interested in both aspects then pick both because your film knowledge will come in handy when studying media and vice versa. At A-level media you will get to make a short film with in your first year for course work but film is non stop practical hands on work. another lesson that combines well with them both is english literature, it shows you can analyse texts and stuff like that :) But depends on what you wanna do.

Good luck
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yeah media is the subject that i'm having doubts about. i'm predicted an A in english GCSE so i'm thinking i might swap media for either philosophy or english. Thanks for that though, its confirmed my doubts about the subject .