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watch 11 minutes of wonder and joy

Join me for 11.5 minutes of my daily commute. Excitement, thrills and romance, In glorious HD and a dirty windshield.

GH2 with zenitar 16mm f2.8

Dark in spots, and definitely a waste of time..but heck, what else you got to do that so important?

gray bit a beginning due to bug in Handbrake.. it passes quick..
no sound.. cause I forgot I was filming and well, its just got embarrassing when I tried to sing along with Dio to Heaven and Hell....

why do this you might ask. well, this is the first blue sky Iv seen it months and I couldn't wait to play with the new lens..

Is that really your daily commute? That's one beautiful road. Is that town still alive? So many in the south are dead.
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judging from my experience in video games, I just take the bus, listen to dubstep on my headphones... If the driver digs it, I can turn the volume up and sort of set the tempo of the ride.

I appreciate the persnicketiness of cruising through all those winding hills, it's a proper skill I say.