As some of you might recall, I'm making an instructional DVD and while it is, yes, simply an instructional DVD, I want to make it look as good as possible and put all of my creativity into so it won't be a stodgy, boring video. I really like the look of film, the 24p look, but I remember reading somewhere that DVDs should be shot at 30fps. I don't know why and I can't recall where I saw it. To throw another wrench in the mix, I'll also be using a GoPro HD that doesn't shoot 1080 at 24, only 30, along with my Canon 60d and (wait for it) the 50mm *f1.2* (yes, it was a helluva splurge). So, can I shoot it all at 1080p 30fps and somehow massage it in post (I'll be using the CS5 suite as soon as I learn to use it) to look like 24fps? Is this even possible? Or am I worrying too much about the cinema look and would 30fps look fine? I don't want it to look like the video you see with 1/2 hour sitcoms, if you know what I mean. Thanks.