10 Steps to a Happy Easter

Nice job Poke. :)

I'm kinda hungry after watching that though. Think I'll go for gyros.. while I COULD make them myself, it's so much easier to just go buy one at the store..

Well, that and it's not technically Easter yet.
Thanks guys. It's not as big a success as I'd hoped. Basically, MySpace is rejecting Revver, so I have to link to my blog in order to have people view it, but since I posted the link on all of my friends comments section MySpace thought my account had been phished, blocked it, and suspended most of the comment posts I made thus negating about 5-6 hours of work. I am not liking MySpace too much right now.

Also, some humor sights that I submitted to did not link to it (yet). No idea why. It's right up their alley, and they've linked darker stuff before.

The problem is that myspace is so massive.. it's a shame NOT to use it (or try to use it) for promotion, on the flip side though, they are being so overly cautious about certain things that it screws the legit accounts more than the fakes.

I honestly never liked myspace, and only joined begrudgingly because it was something that had to happen for self promotion. As a full time web developer (and even before I got this job) I am very annoyed that it is as popular as it is. The code is horrendous, it's not even remotely close to standard complient, half the "features" rarely work right, etc.

Primarily it's SLOW. And now that they are all about stopping all the spammers, they're defeating the whole purpose of the site -- blocking legitimate promotional material. On the flip side of that one, many people don't even want to see promo stuff now because most of it that gets through is spam. ugh.
trying to code a consistent look and feel to it by redefining the CSS is really bad too...there's no consistency to their code on the profile pages.
I agree..

and they change things so often that even when you get something that works it'll break from time to time.

I got something decent on my DJ profile (so, yes, with work even myspace can be "pretty") But they changed something that broke my comment box, which is why it's just a link now.. blah.