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  1. R


    but what if you're writing a treatment for an original script and you don't have a producer and are trying to get funded/hired/etc.?
  2. R

    State Incentives for Motion Pictures

    It doesn't appear Nevada has any kind of incentive, not according to their website, anyway. Only a few hours to drive to New Mexico or California.
  3. R

    Limit to film submissions?

    if you're willing to go for the effort of making 10 films just to get into a fest, you might want to spend a bit of that time and energy and go to a few of the fest near you to see what is playing in that particular fest. there are certain "gimmicks" and formulas you'll see that will give you a...
  4. R

    How do YOU direct actors?

    Same here. Glad to know I'm not the only one. This is an interesting thread. I've only directed once (a short film) and have no real training (just hands-on experience), so i may have gone about everything entirely wrong. I cast the film mostly by finding actors who were similar to the...