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  1. Rankles

    Can't export to pdf...

    I've tried everything, but everytime the pdf writes, it opens with the error message 'font not set' on every page, which are all blank. I'm using Cinergy and their helpdesk (very helpful by the way) have struggled but found no cure, so ive left it with them. Are there any other programs for...
  2. Rankles

    So you draft a script...

    What next? I've just written a short (ten pages) and redrafted it once, changing some lines, cleaning up some dialogue. Adding some description. Now with my other shorts I've written, I'm not happy after one draft. I'm not usually happy after a couple but this one I have a good feeling...
  3. Rankles

    Live Stream - Longest Time Playing Guitar

    And singing too... This guy has been playing classic rock songs for over 47 hours now (the counter at the bottom is a little out). His voice is hoarse but he's still going strong.
  4. Rankles

    Mellow Acoustic Instrumental Work

    I'm a musician of sorts and will happily make music for any indie film that requires a simple yet crafted score based around just a couple of instruments. For a sample of my acoustic music, goto and listen to the Short Acoustic Instrumental.
  5. Rankles

    Advice from Pros

    I've not been here nearly long enough or in the industry, hell at all to be starting a thread like this but in a couple of run ins with professionals I've picked up a few pieces of good advice and I figure this thread can be for people to share advice they've recieved from industry people that...
  6. Rankles

    Different Roles in Filmmaking

    I've recently started a project in university where we have to make a five minute film in a group of four. Giving each other roles was easy, however after being made director a friend of mine working with us said he wanted to be cinematographer so he could pick how each scene was shot. I told...
  7. Rankles

    Jus how hard is it to get your film 'out there'...

    ...even in a very basic sense in that quite a few people will see it? I mean, say I made a film short that was well recieved by this forum, and friends etc, how easy is it to get festivals to screen it etc. Obviously exceptional films could get distribution and that with ease but just a good...
  8. Rankles


    So... say you got through the apparently sctrict selection process for Atomfilms, what actually happens next?
  9. Rankles

    How would I do this...

    Hey I'm new to the forums. I've just finished a short film script where, explanation aside everybody talks without making a sound, and it is simply subtitled, apart from one character who speaks audibly on a few occasions and one who speaks all the time. Reasons for this aside, how would I go...