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  1. S

    plot Outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's "They Live"

    Oh NOW I get it. It's "indie" as in "independent from the UNION"! Somebody really should have told me this is the Jan 6 insurrectionist forum. It all makes so much sense now, even the thing with the lack of WHITEspace.
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    plot Outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's "They Live"

    I have not the slightest interest to actually make a film. It is a massive pain in the butt. My interest is just the screenwriting. Any considerations that go into actually making films are at best wildly speculative.
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    screenplay Santa's Apperance

    Just look up audience reviews for The Librarians when they made Bruce Campbell play a beardless Santa in a navy business suit.
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    screenplay Grandma's 9 Page Horror Script

    To really drive home how Grandma feels she is a burden to everyone, you can't just have her say that. That's boring exposition. It needs to be shown through visual storytelling. She needs to be seen ambling through the home, having difficulty walking and moving with arthritis. Trying to be...
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    plot Next Gen Old Man Thriller

    He doesn't need a gadget-laden James-Bond-walker, he needs a sneaky murder weapon like a poison syringe. Possibly hidden in his "Bulgarian" cane. That is basically No Country For Old Men but more plausible.
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    plot Outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's "They Live"

    It is an exercise. Same as lots of musicians keep studying or even composing music all over the world even though they are never playing any concerts. That said though, this film would be super easy to make. It could be shot on an iPhone these days and would look ten times greater than...
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    plot Outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's "They Live"

    Really? No notes at all? It's not even 4,000 words, it can't be too long. It won't even take you twelve minutes to read. Soooo... I can only assume you all think it is embarrassingly and unfixably bad?
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    character Unlikeable characters

    Well, look no further than Succession. It's an entire family we "love to hate." These are basically the worst people on TV. All of the main cast are completely awful, keep doing disgusting things. They are objectively evil and highly destructive, yet they are basically untouchable and above the...
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    plot Outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's "They Live"

    Hi, this is the outline for a prequel to John Carpenter's They Live (1988). It was meant as an easy exercise to get me back into writing, not even necessarily screen writing. Turned out it was not so easy after all. There is a lot of back story here, some of which might not be needed for an...
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    What are some good ways to get around the prequel problem?

    It doesn't worry me per se. I'm trying to avoid re-inventing needless wheels here. Cause lazy.
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    What are some good ways to get around the prequel problem?

    Oh dear. The more I learn about this... Manhunter apparently bombed, after which De Laurentiis "lent" the rights for Lambs to Orion for free. So they could make one of the greatest pictures of all times without him. And Jodie Foster was the director's fourth choice. Other actors considered for...
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    What are some good ways to get around the prequel problem?

    Well, Re Jimmy/Saul, on reflection it seems that both views have merit, seeing that people can change, which is why there can be character arcs. Can't wait to find out what Gilligan/Gould come up with. Back to the original question, I've been trying to think what my own personal favorite prequel...
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    What are some good ways to get around the prequel problem?

    I like Better Call Saul, but personally, what keeps me in suspense is mostly how the writers plan to write themselves out of the hole(s) they have written themselves into, because I have a hard time seeing how the caring boyfriend of BCS turns into this: At this stage, the only remotely...
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    What are some good ways to get around the prequel problem?

    Hi, by "prequel problem", I mean the fact that the original movie told the audience already where it all leads. What are good ways of dealing with this on the screenwriting level, in order to create a movie that is interesting and worthwhile to a general audience and avoid it becoming a boring...
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    Mandatory welcome thread

    Hi! I'm told I need to post this in order to be able and try out this site, so that's what I'm doing. My usernick has been derived from an old episode of The Simpsons.