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  1. W

    Shooting in a Cold Enviroment

    Hi everybody, I am in pre production of a 6 minute short where I was interested in shooting in a cold location, like a meet locker in a grocery store. The dvx100 is a great camera, and handles itself in warm climates, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience in colder climates. Does...
  2. W

    Music Creator

    I am looking for a nice high end music/beat creator. Cost is really not an issue, I was just looking for something to create some tunes that goes with my flick. Ease of use would be paramount, I don't like spending weeks learning a new program every time I have a new idea. Anyone have any...
  3. W

    After Effects Tutorials

    After effects has proven to be a little more complicated than I thought to learn from the help section. Anyone have any suggestions on tutorials, CDs, or books? Also, a premiere pro version to help with the title creator would be nice also. Thanks.
  4. W

    What is with the cheap cameras?

    Alright, I am in the process of buying a new camera. The industry standard for performance and quality is the DVX100a, and I have been researching them. I am getting a couple of different prices from different places? sells for- $ 2899.88 after a $500.00 rebate.
  5. W

    A Prodution Company don't?

    I have a just started a production company; mainly to make my own films to get exposure and showcase my talent, and the easiest way to do that I would imagine is to start my own company. I eventually just want to write. To pay the bills I was going to focus on Commercials and advertising...
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    Sin City

    I was interested if anybody knows what method the movies like Sin City and Schindler's List used to pull color out of a B&W video.
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    Trying to get a dark look.

    I use Premiere and am trying to alter the color settings to get a dark demented look to visualize the manic attitude of the scene. However I have been uanble to alter the video to get the desired feel. Has anyone here ever tried that type of thing? If yes, what did you use?
  8. W

    dvx100a or HD?

    Can anyone tell me what would give me the better picture, or explain some positives and negatives to each camera. I was looking at a Panasonic dvx100a or a Sony HDR-FX1 HDV Handycam. I am hoping to find the best camera in or around the price range of those two cameras. Thanks,
  9. W

    Racism documentary: Are they overdone?

    I have had some drive to make a racism based documentary with my own spin on it. My question is, are they over-done. Is the market inundated with those types of films. Or is there a legitimate demand or interest for it?
  10. W

    Funds for floridA FILM

    I have completed a screen play for a film. I am looking for funds in Florida. The tampa bay/sarasota area. I wondered if anyone could give me advice on how to attain funding for equipment and casting. I have calculated the budget to be about $3000. If that. I would like any advice on ways to...