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    watch Feedback on First Feature Film

    I'll watch at least the first 10 minutes and keep watching the reset if it's any good.
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    Made Feature at 17 and now available for rent/purchase

    You might know how to make a movie but sales isn't your strong suit. What is the movie about? You have 3 seconds. Go! Pitch the movie to the audience. Write a short synopsis that tells the audience what they need to know and hooks them. Open with that. Where is the trailer? People expect a...
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    Is this scene too dark?

    Why in the world would anyone want AIDS? That part makes no sense.
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    Help needed good rewards

    Based on his website and the linked in page, seems to me that he is just a high school kid who doesn't know how banking and crowdfunding work. You aren't going to get a 25 million dollar business loan without a multimillion dollar collateral. You aren't going to make 8K dollars on Kick Starter...
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    How realistic is the 'dream'?

    "We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." -Tyler Durden, Fight Club
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    Here's a copy of my ID. Why can't you just get a letter of intent or something from the investors and use that to secure a loan from a bank and then hire an entertainment lawyer? Legal notice: I'm not a lawyer and I generally know nothing about anything.
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    Canon EOS 60D adequate for feature film?

    The short answer is yes.
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    watch Space Pilots: Ep. 2 (Sci-Fi Comedy)

    If you need someone with a weird accent and a green screen, I'm in.
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    Film question: A Russian-made train in the NYC subway: what gives? ("The Code")

    because it's not actually filmed at a NYC subway station and anyone who is not a New Yorker won't tell the difference? The scene is actually probably filmed somewhere in Eastern Europe or Russia to take advance of cheaper locations and tax initiatives.
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    How much power do Kinos draw?

    The Kinoflo website. I don't know which model yours are, but all the ones I looked at had the info available.
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    How much power do Kinos draw?

    So you want to know the amperage (the amount of current drawn)? 800 watts is the power. P=VI. P=power, V=voltage, I=amperage. I=P/V (pluck the numbers into this formula) P=800W V=the outlet voltage in NZ (in volts) I=the amount of current drawn in amps
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    what gloves in light department

    Nomex flight gloves. The kind used by fighter pilots. They are fire resistant, well fitting and relatively cheap. Not to mention they look bad ass.
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    Parody: What it takes to be a DP

    Hilarious! Link to the original?
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    I finished my screenplay but now I need some help

    Is this the horror script from your other thread? You can PM me the link and I'll read at least the first ten pages.
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    Another Ring question

    A helicopter and a walkie-talkie? Also, a lot of time spend location scouting?
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    Finally I think I might have it..."cinematic feel"

    Being "cinematic" is more about what's in the image (art direction, location, costumes etc.) and how those elements are composed and lit than it is the about the contrast properties of the image.
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    Forum etiquette

    Don't ask permission. Ask forgiveness.