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  1. T

    Where you get persmission from?

    If you want to be absolutely sure, go to the police or the city hall and put your question up there. I don't know how it is in Bulgaria, but in Belgium the city hall has a register of owners of land... and the police could give you a hand with security if it's no-man's land. If the location is...
  2. T

    Question about shooting without permission.

    Why don't you just drop by the police station / city hall and ask for permission? It never hurts to just ask.
  3. T

    "critical success factors" for indie films??

    I should have read this post a year ago... would have helped me tremendously. These things have been said before, but I second them: 1/ A good leader with vision. 2/ The smallest team possible! The more people, the more blood, sweat and tears you'll shed to synchronise. We did a feature film...
  4. T

    Why should I use or not use a dolly zoom/vertigo shot?

    If you don't fully understand how to use that type of shot, why not make it and see how it works in editing? That way your doubt will be gone completely and you'll have learned something. I find it's better to take a long time to do things right (or wrong) than have this nagging feeling...
  5. T


    (edit: Ack I just realised you had finished your work!! Congrats, here's still my two cents: I advise you to get a friend and make him/her sit next to you while you work. Make the person have a clear view of your screen. That's the only thing that REALLY works when you want to get people to...
  6. T

    Building an Audience from Scratch: Your Ideas

    It's hard to build a following, I'm struggling with it as well. Here in Venezuela I noticed several things when we started spreading pictures and small video's about our work. At the moment we're still in postproduction, so none has seen the complete thing. 1/ How you present it matters more...
  7. T

    watch Trailer Casi Medianoche

    Hey all :) Could I ask your opinion on this trailer? (subtitles in the little cc in the YouTube screen) We worked in certain conditions, probably similar to many crews in the indie world, but I would like the work to be judged on its own before...
  8. T

    Sunny hola from Venezuela!

    Thanks :)
  9. T

    Sunny hola from Venezuela!

    Hey guys, I'm Tessa. In November 2011 I travelled from Belgium, my home country, to Venezuela to work on a short film with my venezuelan boyfriend, not having any education in cinema whatsoever. Now the short became a feature, I became producer and instead of sleeping I spend my nights editing...