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    watch Star Trip: TWG "A Sticky Situation" A Campy Sci-Fi Comedy SPACE! Now on Vimeo! Will be uploading future episodes/installments on there, but the Youtube versions are higher quality.
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    watch Star Trip: TWG "A Sticky Situation" A Campy Sci-Fi Comedy SPACE!

    Star Trip: TWG "A Sticky Situation" A Campy Sci-Fi Comedy SPACE! Warning: A bit on the R-rated side but it's all in good fun. This is Star Trip: The ...What? Generation, a Star Trek: Next Gen parody some friends and I put together. You...
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    watch Star Trip: The ...What? Generation - A Camp Sci-Fi Comedy in Spandex

    Slight update: Now available on Funny or Die!
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    watch Star Trip: The ...What? Generation - A Camp Sci-Fi Comedy in Spandex

    Thank you so much so for watching! I hear exactly what you're saying. After releasing it, a lot of people have similar feelings towards the video. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the next one!
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    watch Star Trip: The ...What? Generation - A Camp Sci-Fi Comedy in Spandex

    Hey everyone! I have a little update for y'all. Thanks to the help of a very kind man who prefers to stay anonymous: We have re-released a new cut of the episode "Encounter at Candilandia" NEW music! MODERN effects! SLIGHTLY ALTERED footage! Hope y'all check out the new cut, it addresses a lot...
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    Hey everyone

    Hello! Well, I worked on one short with a friend of mine about a year back. I played a silly foreign waiter and I helped punch up the script. Ended up never being finished, though. So I decided to write my own stuff and get it done. I can't afford film school so I decided to just waste my cash...
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    Hey everyone

    My name is Dardan. Just found this site and got around to posting a recent short I made in the Narrative section. Hope I have a great time here!
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    watch Star Trip: The ...What? Generation - A Camp Sci-Fi Comedy in Spandex

    A short video a few friends and I put together. It began as a Star Trek: Next Gen spoof, but became this twisted Star Trek inspired amalgamation that takes elements from multiple Star Trek series, sexual overtones and some crude humor. Warning: May be offensive...