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  1. Gatlin Beach

    Camera Upgrade Crisis

    Hey everyone thanks for the help & input! I am still trying to process your responses but I do believe I am honing in on the direction I want to go. Jax I feel like buying a AC90 & 7D will be to drastic of video quality if I wanted to do multi camera shoots. And also I think I am sold that I...
  2. Gatlin Beach

    Camera Upgrade Crisis

    Hey guys, New member here, so first of let me say hello & I apologize in advanced if I am posting in the wrong thread or if any of this post comes off as novice stuff. However, I currently am in need of some help. I have been working/starting up a new independent record label and I am in need...
  3. Gatlin Beach

    Whats up everyone!? Recording Artist/Film-Maker looking to gain insight.

    Hey whats up indieTalk community, Just want to say a brief hello & thank you for allowing me to join the forum. I am a recording artist/producer based out of Los Angeles currently working with a independent record label. We just started up but I am looking to jump into the film side of things...