Search results

  1. S

    Legacy Russian Lenses

    Do you know what the qualities of each lens and which one would you prefer wheatgrinder? I think I'll go with Helios brand just because they're well built compared to Jupiters. Both of them are based of old Zeiss lens designs though.
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    Legacy Russian Lenses

    Have you got any Russian lenses? Which one/s do you have? What is the best Helios lens? I am considering the Helios 44M, Helios 44M-4, Helios 44-2; All are 58/2. I'm also looking at the Jupiter-8 50/2.
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    Video Resolution of cameras

    Why do high end DSLRs, CSCs and other video cameras provide us with a maximum resolution of 1080p unless you really want to spend money whereas the GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition allows us the shoot 4K at a slow framerate and 2.7K at30FPS while still providing great video cameras? Is there such an...
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind when I get my spider steady.
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    Alright thanks, I think I'll go with the spider steady, more versatile. Monopods and rigs are both good for run and gun IMO, but the spider steady in this situation is more versatile. Thanks for the advice and have a great holiday.
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    Cheap LCD Viewfinder for E-PM1?

    Never mind the LCDVF 16:9 and other knockoffs work with the Pen E-PM1.
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    I think I'll stay with the Zoom H1 for now until I can afford or need something else like the Zoom H4N. So I have narrowed it down to the Shoulder Support and Spider Steady, both look good and the Shoulder Support is cheaper. I'll definitely look into the Spider Steady. I think I'll stick with...
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    Cheap LCD Viewfinder for E-PM1?

    Is there a cheap LCD viewfinder for the E-PM1? The screen is a 16:9 aspect ratio and it is 3 inches so the cheap ones I find seem to work with other cameras such as the GH2 so would it work with an E-PM1 screen...
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    @Mannie, I quickly looked at the Opteka Steadyvid Pro and it looks good but it's a bit out of my price range and the steadicam-like devices are a bit hard to use for me. @Mile, I have a Zoom H1 mic, is this enough? The documentaries I plan to make are ones with people in it. Yeah, I know gear...
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    I like to shoot documentaries so would a run and gun style work and what gear is needed for this? I have a CSC so if i'm going handheld I need a rig. I'm OK with going for cheap eBay brands but it needs to be of decent build quality. Thanks for the suggestion but looking at the price it looks to...
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    Hello from Melbourne, Australia!

    I'm interesting in anything on videography but it seems like documentaries and mockumentaries currently interest me.
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    Hello from Melbourne, Australia!

    I'm a student who's passionate about videography. :D
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    Cheap Video Stabilization Gear?

    Hi i'm looking for some cheap video stabilization gear, i'm planning on getting a cheap fluid head tripod and do some DIY PVC rigs. I'm not so handy so metal and wood DIY is out of the question. My question is, what are some cheap video stabilization gear for under $150 AUD (includes shipping)...