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  1. Freestyle

    Writer seeking collab - no money up front.

    Hi forum, Basically I'm a skilled writer that has too much ADHD right now for reasons I don't understand to complete my projects. If anyone would be into collaborating on projects I have been working on (scripts and potentially other formats) I'd split ownership/credit half and half on a...
  2. Freestyle

    Quick formatting question

    I'm writing a sequence where two scenes run concurrently. So far I have the sluglines doing something like this: OLD FOLK'S HOME GUN STORE OLD FOLK'S HOME (CONT'D) GUN STORE (CONT'D) OLD FOLK'S HOME (CONT'D) etc. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but it's not yet in my...
  3. Freestyle

    Having a killer idea and realizing it's already a film

    Ever happened to you? Worst sting for me was when I had the awesome idea of a spirit materializing and becoming a human so that he could be with a girl he'd fallen in love with...and then I saw Wings of Desire in film class. :( I spent time on that story, man. Time.
  4. Freestyle

    The Formula

    It was explained to me, by someone I respect with a lot of experience in the industry, that most movies follow a very specific formula, and she knew what she was talking about. Now when I watch a movie I look for things like the all-is-lost moment and it's always there. Of course there are...
  5. Freestyle

    Bay Area based screenwriter

    My name is Rylan Freshour and I'm a writer of all mediums, but film is an artform I've always been hoping to tell stories in. As I'm starting to hustle more I'd like to meet and work with creative people that want to make movies - probably not in Hollywood though, as my limited interaction with...