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    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Sin Nombre 8/10 Great independent film about a boy who grows up in a Mexican gang, but is forced to flee when he kills one of the gang leaders in order to protect a girl and her family who are trying to get to America.
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    Just bought a New HD Video Cam...What should I Film

    This sounds good...I will remember this. One question, did you ask the girl and the golf clerk to do these things, or is this something you actually witnessed and just happened to be at the right place with your camera? thanks for everyone's reply so far!
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    Just bought a New HD Video Cam...What should I Film

    .....So I just bough this camera. nothing huge, something a tourist would buy but it's great. My plan is to just buy equiptment over the next few years before I am ready to shoot my first film, talking lights, mics, cameras, etc....this is my first HD camera....I treated myself.;) Only...
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    Sucker Punch: worst movie of the year, or just not the movie you signed up for?

    I went in the theater with hig hopes for this movie and was disappointed...but it was not horrible. The story concept was very original and very issue is not with the story or with the acting... My issue was with the weak action scenes. Americans have a way of killing the art of...
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    Eddie Murphy Hosting Oscars

    Eddie Murphy is very funny and can engage an audience rather well. It will be successful...good choice.
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    Books = Film?

    So I'm writing a trilogy right now. I'm always nervous about revealing too may plot details online when my work isn't done. Paranoia? I'll just say that the books bring together a few of our most 'ancient' and 'strong' cultures. Three heroes, each representing one of these cultures, must...
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    John Carter

    I saw the looks to be good, the trailer was great...definitely seeing it. Probably will be some sequels considering John Carter always ---- in the books and then -----------.