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  1. T

    Falling into Snakes?!

    Its hard to say exactly how I'd film it without seeing the script. I might try in front of a green screen, I would shoot a pile of fakes snakes with real snakes on top of them. Shoot them on dirt and rocks. Then drop footage of you behind them. If you are shooting from above the pit. Shoot...
  2. T

    watch T2i testing & stuff

    Dude, you are going to have a blast with that camera. I shot a commercial on it last year. I recently got a 60D., love it!!!!
  3. T

    Appropriate Narration?

    I agree completely with the above! Every script that I have written has numerous drafts and I often do not end up with what I originally planned. Many times it is difficult to know if something works until after you try it. The wonderful thing about writing is that you can experiment without...
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    Please Help:List of films on Business-Stock Market

    You gotta check out "Pirates of Silicon Valley", it is about the start of Microsoft and Apple. Great stuff!
  5. T

    watch A Short Sketch

    I could pick at it but honestly I never did anything that good when I was a kid so great job! I think its perfect for YouTube. Fast, simple and silly.
  6. T

    watch 'Men of Convention' short movie

    What made you decide to do it in black and white and without any dialogue?
  7. T

    Actor read throughs?

    Read throughs are a great opportunity to get comfortable with your cast as well. For an actor its a chance to hear the lines read by other characters. It should improve chemistry between actors, make your set more comfortable and you will get confident actors who can make defined decisions in...
  8. T

    Tips for a new, poor, struggling filmmaker

    There are a lot of great comments on here. I would just like to add the thoughts of Robert Rodriguez, if you want to be a filmmaker then get out and make films. In other words, don't sweat the details. The quality of your equipment doesn't matter, your experience or the knowledge of your team...
  9. T

    "Follow the Sun"

    Alright, even though I am going to have nightmares now I really enjoyed it! Hope I'm not being to forward, but I think the intro could be shorter. In any case, I'm going to share it. Thanks.