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  1. antony015

    Film Maker and Assistant Director in UK

    Hey guys I'm an indie film maker based in the UK - Manchester area I'm currently working on 2 short films which have not been scheduled to shoot yet. Working on these 2 shorts has been a big learning curve for me and I have gained lots of experience and really enjoying it. Just putting this...
  2. antony015

    DVD extras

    The funny thing is I was asking the very same question a few months back and I got this answer Somtimes people buy a DVD because they watch the trailer and it pulls them in but mainly because of all the behind the scenes and bonus footage. Viewers love the "how its made" of the film. So just...
  3. antony015

    UK Locations for Filming

    hey thanks for the reply, I followed the link to that site but just get a black page with funny colours down the left hand side will try and find a private owner see how i get on
  4. antony015

    UK Locations for Filming

    Hey all, I have been looking at various loaction for filming outdoors around the UK. just wanted to know how do you find out who owns the location and do you need permission to film on that location in the United Kingdom. Also does anyone know if you have to pay to use a location in a short...
  5. antony015

    editing Dreams: Short Film Series

    The part 2 i dont really get what going on in that one! The special effects are OK but could be a lot better think they need a little more work a tweaking and also try and get better camera shots! Best tip: move things so you have a clear work area and try and get better angles. Also if you...
  6. antony015

    how do you get a cast/crew?

    SIGN UP to and post a casting call for actors etc list what you are looking for state that there is no pay etc. I have had some very good actors and actresses off there for FREE who are always willing to work. All they ask is that they get a copy of the final film and that...
  7. antony015

    website in UK for equipment

    Hey guys does anyone know any good affordable websites in the UK that you can get afforble filming equipment such as: reflectors, booms and other accessories etc thanks
  8. antony015

    Writer looking for work

    hey there, i'm looking for a script writter for a future film i'm working on which will not be filmed until next year sometime we are in the development stage of a romantic comedy. called "Upside Down Luck" This is our first short feature film that will go into production. This is a no budget...
  9. antony015

    Film Makers In The UK

    same boat Hello there, I'm in the exact same boat as you been looking for a few months to collaborate with other Indie film makers but never seem to find the right person with the same views etc. I have written a few and have some great ideas, I just dont have the resorces and contact I need...