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  1. S

    watch Surviving Evidence- my new feature

    Hi, I just finished my first feature. It took over a year and a half of random weekends to shoot. It's a found footage zombie movie, a sequel of sorts to Evidence, a movie I posted on this forum before ( although this one is a bit of a standalone...
  2. S

    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    I did that when I took out the word zombie.
  3. S

    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    In the video title? "ELAINE-- HD Short Infected Film"? Not sure if that would make sense...
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    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it. As for the handheld, I didn't use a tripod for two reasons- one, I thought that handheld might add a bit of life to an otherwise still scene, and two, my tripod had a flashlight duct-taped to it for the lighting. In response to the other comments, I didn't...
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    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    Thanks for watching my movie, and I appreciate your criticism, but it seems to me that your major issue with the movie stems from the assumption that my zombies are like those you've seen in other movies. It's an original movie, and thus has its own canon. Because of this, my zombies are...
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    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    Did you like the video?
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    watch Elaine- a short zombie movie

    I made this movie for my college application portfolio. A survivor of the zombie apocalypse tries something unconventional.
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    Looking for funding for a nearly-complete movie

    Hi. I'm working on a zombie movie that is effectively a sequel to my short film Evidence (which I posted here many months ago) and have filmed most of it. However, to finish it, I need to raise funds to afford extras, equipment etc. I'm raising money through IndieGoGo. Any feedback would be...
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    watch Piano- Short Horror

    This movie, I made with my brother for a school arts festival. It didn't take long to make, but has gotten some very strong responses.<object width="660" height="405"><param name="movie"...
  10. S

    watch Evidence (zombie movie)

    This is a 45-ish minute movie I made about a year ago. No script, no budget, just an outline and willing participants. Parts 1-5<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie"...