Search results

  1. Flux

    watch "DogEaring"

    You puked at my house? I don't remember you getting sick? :hmm:
  2. Flux

    Music Videos?

    Charge the paddles, we're gonna try and revive this one... What didn't you like about it? The music? The footage used? How it was presented? In defense of the creator, he was forced to use footage shot by other people. IMO, he did the best w/ what he was given. Betamax: I couldn't get either...
  3. Flux

    Check out my new redisigned site...AGAIN!

    Creativename the website Not to steal logans thunder or anything (cause I think his site looks better than mine), but I didn't want to start another thread for the same thing. The Creativename Filmgroup site is up. Im still working on it (never happy with the color), some of the conent is...
  4. Flux

    watch Vote For Best Film (Round #2)

    Does the 'backup' link on zen's sight not work for you either?
  5. Flux

    My entry for round 2

    My role this time around was still photographer mainly. I did some grip work as well. :lol:
  6. Flux

    My entry for round 2

    I just needed something I could comment on. I make ugly websites. I'm slowly working my way into the film 'stuff'. :blush: indeed.
  7. Flux

    My entry for round 2

    Quit yer cryin'. At least the eye is still attached... :rolleyes: That last one does look pretty nasty though.