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  1. R

    First film- some concerns

    Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions and comments! Wheatgrinder- Money is my big hurdle, so I will be borrowing as much equipment as I can. I will look into a a Local Community Access channel. I'm really not sure if there is one nearby, as a bunch were shut down a few years ago...
  2. R

    First film- some concerns

    Hello all, I am working on my first film project, and I need some help with a few things. I am working on a script now. I have my cast and crew signed on, locations locked in, shot list, storyboard, even props and costumes done. I was going to borrow some equipment from my university, but, long...
  3. R

    Where to Start!

    I've got this one covered. Speaking as a woman: when you make out your budget, make sure to write in a couple hundred for flowers, chocolate, and nice dates out. ;)
  4. R

    How ya doin'?

    Hello there, I am Film and Theatre student, currently writing one script and rewriting another. How's everybody doing? :director: