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  1. Matt Kim

    watch Happens - Short Film for an Interpretations Film Contest

    Hellooooo Indietalk. This is a short film that I just entered into the Interpretations Film contest hosted by YOMYOMF(You Offend Me You Offend My Family). The challenge was to create a 3 minute film that strictly interprets a 4 line script in this order: "It's not something I'd do." "Well?"...
  2. Matt Kim

    How to direct and not come off as a jerk?

    I've had some experience over the past couple of years "directing" a few shorts (nothing longer than 5 minutes), and have noticed that when I hear my voice on camera giving directions to the actors, DP, and other misc. parts of the crew that I feel like I come off as a jerk. I began directing...
  3. Matt Kim

    Hello everyone.

    I have recently mustered the courage to indulge in a long awaited passion. I like to make things, and I love to see people's reactions to the things I make. I have 0 experience in film, but I am making the leap into independent filmmaking. I hope to post my first projects here by the end of...