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  1. Mr.Blonde

    Wes Anderson

    ..Dunno if there's a topic about him already.. so I thought I should start one. So what do you think of him? Of his films? I just saw 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' & absolutley loved it... buuut my favourite film of his is by far 'The Royal Tenenbaums'. So tell me what you think...
  2. Mr.Blonde

    If you could work with anyone, who would it be?

    Anyone, dead or alive. Well, me.. anyone who's ever spoken to me would know my answer... Quentin Tarantino for sure, brilliant film maker.. amazing writer. So how about you guys? :-k :?:
  3. Mr.Blonde

    Who here likes mocumentries?

    I do. That's all. Nah! I love Christopher Guest, his films rock. I attempted to make a mocumentry about 'the making of an air band' & only my friends & i really understood it... everyone else was just weirded out. Probably because it ended with a cher tribute tour... *shudders* My friend in...
  4. Mr.Blonde

    Hey all! I'm new here.

    Yeah... as the topic says!!! I feel like such a loner... :shock: