Search results

  1. Lee Rudnicki

    campaign My Immortal: The Vampires of Berlin

    This is the story I plan to turn into a streaming series, and perhaps an animated film -- it's a chaotic vampire tale set in Berlin on the last day of World War 2, wrapped inside a modern day CIA-espionage thriller. If you're interested in checking it out, it was just released on Amazon, here's...
  2. Lee Rudnicki

    blog Contracts 101 - How to avoid worthless "net profits"

    Ciao everybody! Today's discussion is about "net profits" as they exist in the world of indie film. Depending on your contract, net profits can be your best friend ... or your worst enemy, which will haunt you forever. For our hypothetical discussion, let's assume you just graduated from film...
  3. Lee Rudnicki

    review All Quiet on the Western Front ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    The new remake of All Quiet on the Western Front (currently on Netflix) is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's not easy to watch, it's very intense -- but it takes you on an emotional journey from a nice day at school .... right into an awful war. And, just like a world war, when...
  4. Lee Rudnicki

    blog A Simple Guide to Financing an indie film with Private Equity

    Ciao everybody. I wrote this in Plain English to help producers and filmmakers navigate a difficult area of film production. First, a legal disclaimer: DISCLAIMER. This is a simple guide to a complicated topic, and it involves state and federal law. This is not legal advice under any...
  5. Lee Rudnicki

    Ciao everybody

    My name is Lee Rudnicki, I'm an entertainment lawyer (not an agent), producer, and a founding member of the Roma Hollywood Cinema Club, an international venture focused on the production of US content in Italy. I'm not a talent agent, not a financier, not looking for scripts. I'm joining this...